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Looking for more? Please review our FAQs to learn about attaining services from Walnut Street Center for you or a loved one and how you can help us serve our community.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Walnut Street Center?
The Walnut Street Center, Inc is a private, non-profit 501(C) (3) corporation.
What does The Walnut Street Center accept for insurance?
We accept MA Health for qualified individuals. WSC also accepts private pay for all services.
Who is the Day Program open to?
We accept adults who are 22-years-old. In addition, our Community Based Day Program participants must have DDS funding. For Day Habilitation participants, they must qualify for MA Health and have a qualifying Developmental Disability diagnosis.
Is transportation included?
Transportation to and from the Day Program is provided by MA Health for Day Habilitation and DDS for Community Based Day.
How does group home placements work?
All referrals to the Residential Program are made by the DDS. The Department determines eligibility and prioritizes funding.
What is The Walnut Street Center’s service area?
We service: Arlington, Belmont, Cambridge, Everett, Lynnfield, Malden, Medford, Melrose, North Reading, Saugus, Somerville, Stoneham, Reading, Wakefield, Waltham, and Watertown.
What kind of certifications and licenses does The Walnut Street Center’s have?
We are CARF accredited. Licensed through The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Developmental Services Quality Enhancement.
Is The Walnut Street Center hiring?
We are always looking for bright and driven individuals and accept applications online via our Careers Page.
Does The Walnut Street Center accept donations?
We accept gifts of checks or payment online and provide a charitable giving tax deduction to you. All donors receive written acknowledgment for tax purposes.
What are other way to donate?
Please support us by using Amazon for online purchases. A no-cost-to-you donation will be made to Walnut Street Center for every purchase using Amazon Smile. More information can be found at smile.amazon.com/about.
What year was Walnut Street Center founded?
We were founded in 1970, almost 50-years in operation!