COVID-19 Information
In our response to COVID-19, we have followed the DDS, State, and CDC guidelines in creating a clean and safe environment for our WSC community. The well-being of our employees, individuals that we support, and facility visitors is our first concern. Congregate Care GuidanceDPH has launched a congregate care vaccination webpage and created a vaccination FAQ for congregate care providers.
To reduce contact and streamline our processes, we have implemented digital technology to aid in our response to COVID-19.
- Masking: Masking will be optional for staff and residents of congregate care settings and is now only required in Day Habilitation Programs
- Screening: Screening for visitors, staff, participants and residents may be self-directed.
- Surveillance Testing: is optional for provider-operated congregate care settings and sites may and can now use over the counter rapid antigen tests rapid testing.
- Vaccination: new applicants are required to be fully vaccinated.
If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 and have signs/symptoms of infection, we recommend that you tell your healthcare provider immediately and follow their suggestions.
Employees, residents and participants should follow the internally distributed COVID testing and exposure guidelines. If there are any questions regarding these guidelines please contact your Program Directors.